How to Renew your Postal ID

Did you know that a Postal ID is a primary government-issued ID that is honored and accepted in almost all types of transactions with government agencies and private transactions?  If you are still using the basic postal ID plastic card, you will be given the improved Postal ID version when you renew. The improved PostalContinue reading “How to Renew your Postal ID”

Rush Processing of Postal ID: All You Need To Know

If you need your postal ID immediately the following day or on the day of your application itself, here’s how!  Normally, it will take 10 to 15 business days before you can get you Postal ID but the PhlPost has recently announced that they will accommodate rush processing for individuals who badly need this validContinue reading “Rush Processing of Postal ID: All You Need To Know”

How to Apply for a Postal ID: Requirements and Application Process

Last Thursday (August 1, 2019), the Department of Foreign Affairs announced that the postal ID shall now be accepted and considered a valid primary ID by the agency and can be used when applying for a new passport or renewing an old one.  I received a lot of inquiries on how to get a postalContinue reading “How to Apply for a Postal ID: Requirements and Application Process”

The New PHLPost ID and Why You Should Get One Now

Almost everyone I know has a Postal ID tucked in their wallets. It is one of those identification cards that can be acquired with the least documentary requirements (I even know a couple of people who got theirs without personally appearing at their respective Post Offices!). As a result, the Postal ID’s validity is seldomContinue reading “The New PHLPost ID and Why You Should Get One Now”