From Single to Married and Married to Single: How To Change Your Last Name in Your Passport

3 Mar 07

Female passport applicants who acquired their passports while they were still single have the option to retain their maiden last names in their passports even after they have gotten married.  Should they choose to adopt their husband’s last name (when they renew their passports where they are using their maiden last name), they will be required to present additional documents upon passport renewal.  The same applies when the female applicant, who uses her husband’s last name in her passport, would like to revert to her maiden last name after her marriage has been dissolved.  A female applicant who uses her husband’s last name in her passport could not revert to her maiden last name without the necessary documents that will prove has marriage has been annulled or that she has sought a divorce.

Apart from the required documents and IDs, a female applicant needs to execute the following documents in order to change her married last name to her maiden last name in her passport:

  • Applicant must submit an original copy of the annotated PSA Marriage Certificate (MC) or Report of Marriage (ROM) stating that the marriage has been dissolved; or
  • Alternatively, if annotated MC or ROM from PSA is not yet available, the applicant must submit a Certified True Copy of the Court Order dissolving the marriage and a Certificate of Finality from the court.

If the female applicant is transitioning from being single to married, she need only to include a copy of her PSA marriage certificate in the documents she will submit for her passport application or renewal.


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